Sunday, October 15

Important Notice - Trail Closure

The quad/snowmobile trail from the Interlakes Corner to the dump, north of Wildman's Restaurant, is no longer available for public use. That portion of the trail crosses through private properties that have now been sold and are being developed.
In the past, we were given "temporary" permission by a local Real Estate developer to use the trail with the understanding that when the lots were sold, the trail would no longer be available for use.
We are asking riders, hikers, and any other form of trail user, to respect private property and the privacy of the owners who have purchased these properties for their personal use.
The next meeting of the Interlakes Snowmobile Club will be a Meet & Greet.
PLACE: Wildman's Family Restaurant
DATE: Wed. November 8th, 2017 
TIME: Social- 6 pm; Meeting & dinner: 7 pm. Each person attending must pay for their dinner.   
We invite anyone with an interest in identifying and developing an alternative route, to attend and share your thoughts.
In the past, the Interlakes Snowmobile Club has developed multi use trail systems in the area. These trail systems are registered with the Government and are pretty much permanent. An example is the trail running south from Judson Rd, over Bridge Creek to the dump, then west to Fawn Lake. The bridge over Bridge Creek was built by members of the Interlakes Snowmobile Club through volunteer hours with the materials and money donated by local businesses.
At this time, the Interlakes Snowmobile Club is not in a position to develop a trail from the Interlakes Corner north to the Fawn Lake trail, since we do not have sufficient membership numbers. The Club is healthy financially but lacks volunteer manpower. If we can get an additional 10 to 20 members with an interest in developing this trail and forming a committee, this can be done. Or, if there is another trail minded local group that would take on the development, the Club would be more than happy to be part of it.
The South Sheridan Lake trails were developed and registered by the Interlakes Snowmobile Club more than 15 years ago. The Club no longer maintains that trail system, but the trails remain, because they are registered.
Currently, the Interlakes Snowmobile Club has a Trail Management Agreement with Recreation Sites and Trails BC. This involves maintaining in part approximately 110 kms of the Barnett Perimeter Trail, north of Hwy 24 to Windy Mtn, west to Drewry Lake onto Doman Rd.
You can also leave comments at our Facebook page, or send an email to : .
Other reasons to join the Interlakes Snowmobile Club:
  • social aspect - meet new people
  • safer to ride in a group
  • organized rides and getaway riding weekends
  • ride in new areas
  • Snowmobile clubs are members of the BC Snowmobile Federation which is the voice for snowmobiling in British Columbia - important if we want to maintain our existing riding areas
  • liability insurance is not as expensive when you are a club member
  • liability insurance coverage when working on trails with the club
Hope to see you at Wildman's on November 8th.

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