Membership & Advertising Rates

2020 - 2021 ISC Membership Rates

1st Person............................$60.00
2nd Person...........................$55.00
Under 16 (same residence)..$25.00
Social Membership..............$25.00

1) Bring a cheque or cash to first ride
2) Send an email to for mailing address to send cheque
3) Via paypal -  Select "Join Now" in the top right hand corner on the black bar

Business card size ads - $100 per year - included on this blog under "Supporters" with a side link to website.

Why join the Interlakes Snowmobile Club?
  • social and safety aspects of riding with a group
  • ride in new areas
  • getaway sledding weekends
  • belonging to a club includes membership in the BC Snowmobile Federation, which is the voice of snowmobiling in the province
  • input for keeping our riding areas open for future snowmobiling
  • lower liability insurance rates
  • collectively maintaining trail system (portion of Barnett Perimeter trail)
  • communicating with logging companies in regards to trails located within logging areas
  • liability insurance coverage for club members when working on a trail